8-10 September 2017.
In connection with this year’s parliamentary election, KODE invited to a performance weekend...
Download the extended program here, with more information about the artists.
Performance is a direct encounter between the artist and the public that generates vulnerability, intimacy, curiosity, experiences and insight. Listen. Use your voice.
Ali Al-Fatlawi and Wathiq Al-Ameri (IQ)
Alicia Framis (ES / NL)
Ann Liv Young (US)
Eivind Reierstad and A-project (N)
Gitte Sætre & The Green Hijab Movement (N)
Hungry Hearts (N)
James King (UK)
Kate Pendry (UK /N)
Kiyoshi Yamamoto (JP/BR)
Lilibeth Cuenca Rasmussen (DK)
Marit Tunestveit Dyre (N)
Mary Coble (US)
Pavana Reid (N/UK/TH)
Download the extended program here, with more information about the artists.
Performance is a direct encounter between the artist and the public that generates vulnerability, intimacy, curiosity, experiences and insight. Listen. Use your voice.
Ali Al-Fatlawi and Wathiq Al-Ameri (IQ)
Alicia Framis (ES / NL)
Ann Liv Young (US)
Eivind Reierstad and A-project (N)
Gitte Sætre & The Green Hijab Movement (N)
Hungry Hearts (N)
James King (UK)
Kate Pendry (UK /N)
Kiyoshi Yamamoto (JP/BR)
Lilibeth Cuenca Rasmussen (DK)
Marit Tunestveit Dyre (N)
Mary Coble (US)
Pavana Reid (N/UK/TH)
MANGFOLD; Galleri Blaker Skansen.8.05.2017

Utstillere: Sigbjørn Bratlie, Marit Tunestveit Dyre, Francis Enebeli, Sylvia Henriksen, Inge Jensen, June Jeanine Kristiansen, Ole Lislerud, Eline Medbøe, Philipp Spillmann, Gitte Sætre, Toril Wik og Nils Aasland.
Visningsrommet USF, April 2017
Soups&Stories dialogue during the Arabic Film Festival.
(video installation by Frans Jacobi)
Curated by Jane Sverdrupsen
Public Art Screens, Stavanger 2017
Kurator Hege Tapio
Woman Cleaning Growth, 2017 ’Woman Cleaning Growth’ har til hensikt å belyse et viktig og komplekst tema; olje og gass industrien. Seremonien retter blikket mot forbindelsen mellom politikk og finans og mellom stat og individ, og sier noe om hvordan finansverden spinner sitt nett inn i politikken og i våre liv. Public Art Screens, initiert og drevet av den Stavangerbaserte kunstnerorganisasjonen i/o/lab senter for fremtidskunst. |
EXHIBITION OCTOBER 20 – NOVEMBER 9, 2016 Acts of Sedition is a mixed–media exhibition of international artists that indirectly takes its cue from two previous WhiteBox shows that addressed different facets of the U.S. elections. Sedition (2008) paralleled the general election leading to Obama’s first term, while #makamericagreatagain (2016) was prescient in focusing on the primaries and subsequent emergence of Donald J. Trump who is now the 2016 Republican Presidential nominee. Whereas Sedition took the pulse of the national political climate, #makeamericagreatagain was more partisan as well as incorporating social media as a curatorial strategy. Acts of Sedition is like a third party, for it takes the aforementioned exhibitions as a point of departure but extends their thematic concerns to the contemporary world–at-large yet linking international geo-political strife to the U.S. political landscape and forthcoming Presidential elections. Artworks to be exhibited that underscore this, for example, include Carlos Aires’ collaged dollar bills. Curated by Raul Zamudio and Juan Puntes |
Acts of Sedition is a mixed–media exhibition of international artists that indirectly takes its cue from two previous WhiteBox shows that addressed different facets of the U.S. elections. Sedition (2008) paralleled the general election leading to Obama’s first term, while #makamericagreatagain (2016) was prescient in focusing on the primaries and subsequent emergence of Donald J. Trump who is now the 2016 Republican Presidential nominee.I will be showing the video Deception in High Places, give away posters and perform a cleaning sermonie.
International Performance Festival at Bergen Kunsthall, 2016
Magic of Seven at Foundation 3,14, 2016
KUNSTHALL 3.14. Norway
19.08- 16.10. 2016
"Magic of Seven" is a 7 channel video installation where a collective exercise between 7 women over a 7000 years old masculine war culture on our 7 continents. Read more about the exhibition under statments.
19.08- 16.10. 2016
"Magic of Seven" is a 7 channel video installation where a collective exercise between 7 women over a 7000 years old masculine war culture on our 7 continents. Read more about the exhibition under statments.
Inferno part two; curated by Raúl Zamudio
Pristine Galerie, Monterrey, Mexico
Deception in High Places, 2016
Oslo Kunstforening February,2016 |
During the exhibition it was a seminar on art and activism. The seminar participants:
Krist Gruijthuijsen (director, Grazer Kunstverein), Susanne Winterling (professor, Oslo National Academy of the Arts) and Malin Barth (curator and director, Stiftelsen 3,14), together with Gitte Sætre. The seminar and the screening was a collaboration with Transnational Arts Production and Oslo Kunstforening.
Krist Gruijthuijsen (director, Grazer Kunstverein), Susanne Winterling (professor, Oslo National Academy of the Arts) and Malin Barth (curator and director, Stiftelsen 3,14), together with Gitte Sætre. The seminar and the screening was a collaboration with Transnational Arts Production and Oslo Kunstforening.
ARTLEGO; a digital plattform

ArtLego is a plattform for connecting people with art and artists from around the world.
I sell work through artlego. Visit their page:
I sell work through artlego. Visit their page:
Kunstgarasjen; Opening show

New exhibition-space in Bergen, opened Januar 2016, showing local, national and international art.
Presenting work from professional artists with ties to district og Hordaland.
Presenting work from professional artists with ties to district og Hordaland.
Media Impact Festival; Moskva

30.10-5.11. 2015
Screening of the Woman Cleaning + artist talk-
Voss 28.05-31.05
A 4 days long performance of stories and song.
A place specific patchwork: The room will have a sight specific patchwork by Margarethe Solstad Brekke. A textile installation that will serve as framework for sound work and the program that will take place in the premises.
Furthermore you will have the opportunity to meet Kari Helena Skogseid, Alicia Cohen, Gunn Bente Knutsen, Neda Tavallaee and Kavitha Balakrishnan and
Supported by:
Bergen kommune, Kunstløftet V/ Kulturrådet, Vederlagsfondet, og IMDI midler fra Hordaland fylkeskommune
We thank BEK for helping with our production!
Voss 28.05-31.05
A 4 days long performance of stories and song.
A place specific patchwork: The room will have a sight specific patchwork by Margarethe Solstad Brekke. A textile installation that will serve as framework for sound work and the program that will take place in the premises.
Furthermore you will have the opportunity to meet Kari Helena Skogseid, Alicia Cohen, Gunn Bente Knutsen, Neda Tavallaee and Kavitha Balakrishnan and
Supported by:
Bergen kommune, Kunstløftet V/ Kulturrådet, Vederlagsfondet, og IMDI midler fra Hordaland fylkeskommune
We thank BEK for helping with our production!
Another Female Artist
AGALAUS, gallery Basement Voss 28.05-31.05.2015 |

Woman Cleaning Current Tension.
At the performance festival Beautiful Lies
Warsaw, University Library Gardens.
Saturday the 12th of June.2015
Curated by Eulalia Domanowska
At the performance festival Beautiful Lies
Warsaw, University Library Gardens.
Saturday the 12th of June.2015
Curated by Eulalia Domanowska

Alvøen Videonale 2015
Friday the 13 of Marsh
'Mittveis på våres vandring gjennom livet
befant jeg meg i mørke, dybe skoge,
forvillet fra den vei jeg burde følge.
Hvor tungt og plagsomt er det sted å skildre:
så vildt og ufremkommelig at tanken
gjennføder frygten som jeg dengang følte'
værket er en ny-fortolkning av åpningsversene af Dante Alghieri's Guddommelige Komedie. Vi befinner oss ikke som dante i middelalderen, men fortapt i nutiden.
En produksjon av Frans Jacobi og Gitte Sætre, 2015
Arrangør: Anne Knutsen og Ann Kristine Annonsen.
Friday the 13 of Marsh
'Mittveis på våres vandring gjennom livet
befant jeg meg i mørke, dybe skoge,
forvillet fra den vei jeg burde følge.
Hvor tungt og plagsomt er det sted å skildre:
så vildt og ufremkommelig at tanken
gjennføder frygten som jeg dengang følte'
værket er en ny-fortolkning av åpningsversene af Dante Alghieri's Guddommelige Komedie. Vi befinner oss ikke som dante i middelalderen, men fortapt i nutiden.
En produksjon av Frans Jacobi og Gitte Sætre, 2015
Arrangør: Anne Knutsen og Ann Kristine Annonsen.
Talking about the roll I put on in my performances and some other thoughts I carry around...
'Extensive' at the Salihara Gallery in Jakarta opening Saturday at 7 PM

The Woman cleaning project is invitat by the norwegian curator Kjell-Erik Ruud to exhibit together with Anne Knutsen, Mona Nordaas and Ingeborg Annie Lindahl at the Salihara Gallery in Jakarta at the multidisciplinary arts center in Indonesia. The show has been given the title: Extensive
The vision of Komunitas Salihara is to maintain freedom of thought and expression, respect differences and diversity, and to foster and spread artistic and intellectual resources.
The vision of Komunitas Salihara is to maintain freedom of thought and expression, respect differences and diversity, and to foster and spread artistic and intellectual resources.
InEpic goes to Kochi Muziris Biennale in India, 24.January 2015
Woman Cleaning National Identity
The two videos 'Woman Cleaning National Identity' at Bomuldsfabrikken
6.september- 12.oktober.2014

The above video gives an impression of the show in total at the opening day. Displayed in the contemporary art centre Bomuldsfabriken in Arendal in Norway ( and later to bee shown in November and December this year, will be shown in Copenhagen in The Lapidarium of Kings / Christian IV’s Brewhouse ( The group show marks the 200-year anniversary of the separation between Norway and Denmark in 1814 and has contributions from nine professional Norwegian and Danish contemporary artists. A groupshow with Danish and Norwegian artist. The tittle of the show is 'Skilsmissen' and it is related to the constitution anniversary of norwegian independence from Denmark in 1914.
Consisting of the artist : Mads Gamdrup, Frans Jacobi, Nina Kleivan, Siri Kollansrud, Kristina Kvalvik, Britt Smelvær, Mona Eckhoff Sørmo, Nils Viga and my self Gitte Sætre
Supported by Vederlangsfondet
Consisting of the artist : Mads Gamdrup, Frans Jacobi, Nina Kleivan, Siri Kollansrud, Kristina Kvalvik, Britt Smelvær, Mona Eckhoff Sørmo, Nils Viga and my self Gitte Sætre
Supported by Vederlangsfondet
Svends Bibliotek, Copenhagen

'Lige i Skabet- artist books'.
13.Sept until 21.Sept
200 artist are invited to participate.
The non profit gallery is run by the artist that works at 'The house of artist at Classensgade in Copenhagen.
The show have been invited to Nivaagaard museum from the 9 - 26. okcober 2014
13.Sept until 21.Sept
200 artist are invited to participate.
The non profit gallery is run by the artist that works at 'The house of artist at Classensgade in Copenhagen.
The show have been invited to Nivaagaard museum from the 9 - 26. okcober 2014
The Soups & Stories Project

Performance at Festplassen during Bergen Cultural Night 2014. The performance has in point of departure of the high numbers of rapes. So fare this year 58 people have been raped and 7 attempts have been recorded. However, a rapport done earlier this year show that only
11 % go to the police and report.
Rape is a crime that affects your personal freedom, morality and character. Rape is the most aggravating violation of human dignity, and leaves symptoms equally severe as those left from natural disasters, war and torture. This has nothing to do with religion, culture or sex. It has to do with the perpetrator himself and the surrounding society, which place much of the responsibility on the one being raped.
11 % go to the police and report.
Rape is a crime that affects your personal freedom, morality and character. Rape is the most aggravating violation of human dignity, and leaves symptoms equally severe as those left from natural disasters, war and torture. This has nothing to do with religion, culture or sex. It has to do with the perpetrator himself and the surrounding society, which place much of the responsibility on the one being raped.
Screening of woman cleaning...

Cinema B-Open are showing two of my movies at Festplassen in Bergen,
part of a 3 hours screening program.
Bergen Cultural night 2014.
Curated by Jeremy Welsh
part of a 3 hours screening program.
Bergen Cultural night 2014.
Curated by Jeremy Welsh
After my video was censored by the Thon hotel in Nordheimsund, Gallery Puls and KABUSO came for a rescue. My video is therefor to be seen in Øystese at the great museum KABUSO. Thanks to Heidi Jæger and her crue and in Nordheimsund across the street from the hotell. |

Mellom Himmel og Fjord; SJÅ
kurator: Kjell-Erik Ruud
Arrangør: Harding Puls
Periode: 28.mars til 22.juni
Utstillere: Jakku Pernu, Essi Korva, Peder Istad, Karlone H.Larsen, Gitte Sætre, Siri Kollandsruud, Mona Nordås, Vanessa van Vlerken, Kirsti van Hoegee, Unni Askeland, Aud Bækkelund, Svein Nå, Judith Elisabeth de Haan, Randi Sandven Skeie, Arne Bakken Mælen, Els Geelen, Felieke van der Leest, Johild Mæland, Silje Solvi, Aqurtxane Concellon og Solfrid Aksnes.
kurator: Kjell-Erik Ruud
Arrangør: Harding Puls
Periode: 28.mars til 22.juni
Utstillere: Jakku Pernu, Essi Korva, Peder Istad, Karlone H.Larsen, Gitte Sætre, Siri Kollandsruud, Mona Nordås, Vanessa van Vlerken, Kirsti van Hoegee, Unni Askeland, Aud Bækkelund, Svein Nå, Judith Elisabeth de Haan, Randi Sandven Skeie, Arne Bakken Mælen, Els Geelen, Felieke van der Leest, Johild Mæland, Silje Solvi, Aqurtxane Concellon og Solfrid Aksnes.
Vestlandsutstillingen 2014 ' Den enes brød en annens død '

Kuratoren Lars Sture skriver: Mennesket er et sammensatt vesen, parallelt med vår iboende egoisme er det sosiale fellesskap grunnleggende for vår tilværelse. Vi har behov for å høre til og har tallrike arenaer for å tilfredsstille vår trang til samhold og samhørighet. Samtidig; opplever vi en stadig sterkere individualisme på bekostning av fellesskapet? Har den utilslørte egoismen blitt mer utbredt, blitt mer akseptabel? Har vårt verdigrunnlag blitt uklart?
I VU2014 stilles spørsmål omkring ’JEG’ og de ulike ’VI’ som vi er en del av, og vi søker kunstprosjekt som reflekterer over idéer omkring individet og fellesskapet.
Kunsthallen Stavanger, Sogn og Fjordane kunstmuseum, Kunstmueset KUBE, Haugesund Kunstforening og Kabuso.
I VU2014 stilles spørsmål omkring ’JEG’ og de ulike ’VI’ som vi er en del av, og vi søker kunstprosjekt som reflekterer over idéer omkring individet og fellesskapet.
Kunsthallen Stavanger, Sogn og Fjordane kunstmuseum, Kunstmueset KUBE, Haugesund Kunstforening og Kabuso.
Anmelder Sigrun Hodne skrev i Stavanger Aftenblad 28 januar,2014:
"Min favoritt i denne utstillingen er Gitte Sætres skulpturelle arbeid "Morstøv". Sætre har konstruert et lite hus og dekket vegger og tak med nærbilder av støv. Ut fra huset strømmer lyden av en støvsuger, og brokker samtaler mellom en kvinne og et lite barn. Moren lærer barnet å rydde, kanskje, holde orden; på seg selv - og på virkeligheten. Verket er estetisk vakkert, enkelt, kraftfullt, og det besvarer kuratorens utfordringen på en uventet god måte; mor – datter – støvsuger, hvilken urscene! Vår rolle i det store fellesskapet er ikke bestemt av enkle, frie valg, men er et resultat av en langsom skapelsesprosess, der vi på ulike måter lærer hva som er forventet av oss. Hva som fortjener ros, og hva som leder til … skam. For meg er det naturlig å lese Sætres studier av kvinner og støv ut fra et feministisk perspektiv, og å se henne som et viktig nytt ledd i en eksklusive rekke kunstnere som på mystisk vis klarer å omskape det hverdagslige til kunst, slik som for eksempel Mary Kelly (f. 1941) og Mierle Laderman Ukeles (f. 1939), og nå altså også Gitte Sætre." |
Kritikk by Sigrun Hodne, Stavanger Aftenblad 28 januar,2014:
”My favourite in this exhibition is Gitte Sætres sculptural work, ”Morstøv” (” Mother’s dust”). Sætre has constructed a small house and covered the walls and ceiling with close-ups of dust. From the house drifts the sound of a vacuum cleaner, and fragments of conversation between a woman and a small child. The mother is teaching the child to clean, perhaps, to keep order; of itself – and of reality. It is an aestehtic work, simple, powerful, and it answers the curator’s challenge in an unexpectedly good way; mother – daughter – vacuum cleaner, what a primeval scene! Our role in the greater community is not set by simple, free choices, but is the result of a slow creational proces, where we learn what is expected of us in different ways. What deserves encouragement, and what leads to… shame. It falls natural for me to regard Sætre’s studies of women and dust from a feminist point of view, and to see her as an important new participant in an exclusive line-up of artists, who in a mysterious way are capable of recreating the mundane into art, as for instance Mary Kelly (born 1941) and Mierle Laderman Ukeles (born 1939), and now also Gitte Sætre.” |

The Whistling Project is a performative research initiated by Susi Law last fall, she interviewed whistlers she came across and collected whistling sound in different cities in Germany, Switzerland, France and Norway.
By invitation from curator Gitte Sætre, the project is now stationed at Alvøen (one of the oldest industrial communities which became one of the finest residential areas) with interactions between the local residents and the nature by private/ public whistling moments.
By invitation from curator Gitte Sætre, the project is now stationed at Alvøen (one of the oldest industrial communities which became one of the finest residential areas) with interactions between the local residents and the nature by private/ public whistling moments.
Scandic Neptun, in Bergen
Etter invitasjon til VISPs medlemmer har styret i Visp gitt 6 kunstnere, av i alt 13 søkere, utstillingsplass på Neptun i løpet av 2014, Sætre er første kunstner ut.
8. februar til 15.mars,2014 |

Bidrar med foto til Postmomart i Galleri Trykk:trykK i Strandgaten i Bergen.
Den store bok lanseringen av Odds (text compilation & catalogue)
Den store bok lanseringen av Odds (text compilation & catalogue)
'morstøv' på trykk:trykk
'I have a pussy what´s your problem', KNIPSU

Group show 'Power to Change' at Gallery KNIPSU, Bergen. Based on a workshop with The Guerrilla Girls. 22.May until 22.June. 2013
Gitte Sætre, Anne Frida McIntosh, Maria JonssoTord Torpe (les fra venstre)
Voss Kulturhus med 'in which the smalles gesture becomes epic'
The exhibition 'in which the smales gesture become epic' at Voss seeks for the multiple possibilities to examine the environment and social structure surrounding women within the methodologies of contemporary art. All four artists here exclusively set their starting points in their immediate surroundings, focusing on ‘small gestures’ of women, then cultivate the aesthetic or creative inspirations to question dominant ideologies. This is one of the urgent themes to be pursued in conjunction with the memorable event of women's suffrage in Norway, and is exactly where the female gaze arouses contemporary art.〈=en
Gitte Sætre, Nina Grieg, Bo Magnus og Klara Lidén, belyser i utstillingen samtidens feministiske diskurs i møtepunktet mellom det lokale og det internasjonale. Kurator for utstillingen er japanske Sayoko Nakahara, basert ved FRAC Nord-Pas de Calais i Frankrike. Utstillingen presenterer nye verk som både henter frem og diskuterer feminismens historie, patriarkalske trekk og samtidig stiller spørsmål ved vår egen fortolkning av disse. Felles for arbeidene til de fire kunstnerne er refleksjonen over både den private og allmenne historien som åpner opp for ulike perspektiver og spørsmål.〈=en