Our sound is unfortunately profoundly wrong.
I am said, but we need to acknowledge it.
Taking into consideration the seriousness of the game our temperament should NOT sound like thunder in a faraway horizon with random lightning going off here and there. It should be united and forceful, with a clear sense of purpose.
I read that in Sweden car bombs are thrown quietly.
But then the Iranian-Swedish poet and play-writer Athena Farrokhzad´s is very angry,
She was invited to writes a poem to Europe and her poem was read publicly at the opening of the international festival Days of Poetry and Wine. It was published and passed on across many magazines and newspapers around the globe.
Athena, I agree with you, I really don’t want Europe to be an avocado turning bad before it goes ripe. Shame and embarrassment, embarrassment and shame.
Europe can do better.
Africa can do better.
Asia can do better.
North and South America can do better.
Australia can do better.
Antarctica is only visited by about 50.000 people a year, still damage is done by us.
Athena Farrokhzad, I am wondering if you have considered writing an angry poem to the other continents as well? That would be to de-colonize something. Would it not?
It is not at all politically correct to live in Europe.
I know that, I have been aware of that fact for some time.
However, I have not really found a better alternative.
In my opinion, all the time we have been practicing being human in the system of the patriarchate, a system which has existed for over 7000 years, humanity have been soaked in dark oppression and deep exploitation. 3000 years ago, in the Mideast, Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt and crossed the Red Sea. Slavery in Africa accrued before the trans-Atlantic slave trade. In Asia the Mongolians and Japanese. In Brazil the tribes…
My point is definitely not to undermine the atrocity of exploration done by the Vest.
My point is that human’s feast on power and greed, we have travelled the world you and I, read the books and newspapers. We know the drama within ourselves, our family and workplace. The shit hits the fan over and over again.
I personally still have some faith.
Probably due to a personal strategy of keeping my sanity.
Just like having children is a strategy.
Just like moral is a strategy.
Just like saving our climate is a strategy.
Just like gender equality and racism is a strategy.
Just like the blame game is a strategy.
Everything can be sad to be a strategy!
The question is, which will bring us to the next level?
To a stage where state of Reason and Enlightenment erect, a place where adjectives as subtle sensibility can describe the department of foreign affairs.
Will a robot save us?
Will you allow your brain to evolve into anarchism?
Will let technology enter your DNA and withdraw your culture of war?
It seems to be a trend in quoting Winston Churchill. The title of this event ‘History Will Be Kind to Me, for I Intend to Perform’ is one of these quotes.
(the protagonist takes on the hijab…)
I represent a movement called The Green Hijab Movement, that is why I am taking on a green textile over my head right now. Our movement find meaning in another of Churchills quotes: You probably know it: ‘Never let a good crisis go to waste’.
Green Hijab Movement use this Anthropocene momentum while breeding one wicked problem after the other. Because all of our 7 continents have something in common. We are the coexistence, breeding the same air and swim in the same ocean.
The consequences of our actions or lack of will affect us all at the end.
It´s surprisingly quiet.
Our climate situation has to be solved in the next election.
And you better use the chance you have been fighting for tomorrow, and vote for long-term sustainable politics. I am just saying, but it is more than just my opinion.
The urgency of the situation, the here and now, beholds an opportunity.
Green Hijab Movement apposes capitalistic structures that are linked to the entrenched powers of colonialism and institutionalized prejudices that separate people.
This colour and this textile behold a model for dismantling and replacing destructive patterns. Our intent is to use the climate crisis to overcome the patterns of entrenched powers of the past by asking one simple question:
Who is benefitting from dividing people into segregated groups?
And when you start to think about it, you realize quite quickly who you need to fight.
….It is not any minority group, that´s for sure.
I believe in ‘detournement’ as a method for resistance.
That is why I am wearing the green hijab.
Our Movement displace one of the strongest symbols of our time.
The hijab has two symbolic meanings: One, the original religious meaning – the hijab is a protection against various external forces; God, the sexualized gaze of men and the unholy proceedings of everyday life.
The second symbolic meaning is a denial of the first; here, in contemporary Europe the hijab is a negative political symbol, signifying oppression of women. This second symbolic meaning occurs as a hijack of the original symbol by the people belonging to right-wing politics on one side and contradictory you can find feminist.
These two symbolic values are opposed and much too often monumentally stable. They divide the public opinion into two unopposable agendas.
Either you are for one of these versions or you are for the other.
Indifference seems impossible.
If you don’t choose sides are you than supporting the fundamentalist Islamic version?
The Green Hijab Movement proposes a detournement of this deadlock.
By appropriating the hijab for a different purpose - by postulating a new, different symbolic meaning of this textile - we attempt to break the established opposition of symbolic values.
In our movement wearing the green hijab symbolizes global solidarity with the victims of climate change AND an engagement in the momentum to change our societies. Pollution knows no borders and the effects of this crises will hits hard, far away from where the climate crisis is produced. Climate change especially affects women of the global south, the same women that to a large degree are wearing the hijab.
Scandinavia has since the 60´s shown several examples of social integrity and gender equality. Which gives Scandinavia a possibility to brand geopolitical care with a clear sense of purpose and cleverness in all its complexity. Either we let us pulverize by the neoliberals, with a growing sensation of lack of trust and a lack of logic or we choose a different path. Let´s start to talk each other up. Be proud and preaching a standard. Either we let us be eaten up or we don’t.
In a couple of hours, we enter election day in Sweden, said to be the most complicated elections in Swedish history.
Be forceful!
Vote with a clear sense of purpose!
Vote for long-term sustainable politics!
Vote for geopolitical care!
Let´s dance and find the energy to pursue!
My name is Gitte Sætre.
I am a member of Green Hijab Movement
If you would like to be a part of this movement take on a hijab and dance
If you only want to be taking part in this ontological dance, please feel free to just DANCE
(The protagonist moves over to her DJ-table and play Dark Techno for about one hour)
I am said, but we need to acknowledge it.
Taking into consideration the seriousness of the game our temperament should NOT sound like thunder in a faraway horizon with random lightning going off here and there. It should be united and forceful, with a clear sense of purpose.
I read that in Sweden car bombs are thrown quietly.
But then the Iranian-Swedish poet and play-writer Athena Farrokhzad´s is very angry,
She was invited to writes a poem to Europe and her poem was read publicly at the opening of the international festival Days of Poetry and Wine. It was published and passed on across many magazines and newspapers around the globe.
Athena, I agree with you, I really don’t want Europe to be an avocado turning bad before it goes ripe. Shame and embarrassment, embarrassment and shame.
Europe can do better.
Africa can do better.
Asia can do better.
North and South America can do better.
Australia can do better.
Antarctica is only visited by about 50.000 people a year, still damage is done by us.
Athena Farrokhzad, I am wondering if you have considered writing an angry poem to the other continents as well? That would be to de-colonize something. Would it not?
It is not at all politically correct to live in Europe.
I know that, I have been aware of that fact for some time.
However, I have not really found a better alternative.
In my opinion, all the time we have been practicing being human in the system of the patriarchate, a system which has existed for over 7000 years, humanity have been soaked in dark oppression and deep exploitation. 3000 years ago, in the Mideast, Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt and crossed the Red Sea. Slavery in Africa accrued before the trans-Atlantic slave trade. In Asia the Mongolians and Japanese. In Brazil the tribes…
My point is definitely not to undermine the atrocity of exploration done by the Vest.
My point is that human’s feast on power and greed, we have travelled the world you and I, read the books and newspapers. We know the drama within ourselves, our family and workplace. The shit hits the fan over and over again.
I personally still have some faith.
Probably due to a personal strategy of keeping my sanity.
Just like having children is a strategy.
Just like moral is a strategy.
Just like saving our climate is a strategy.
Just like gender equality and racism is a strategy.
Just like the blame game is a strategy.
Everything can be sad to be a strategy!
The question is, which will bring us to the next level?
To a stage where state of Reason and Enlightenment erect, a place where adjectives as subtle sensibility can describe the department of foreign affairs.
Will a robot save us?
Will you allow your brain to evolve into anarchism?
Will let technology enter your DNA and withdraw your culture of war?
It seems to be a trend in quoting Winston Churchill. The title of this event ‘History Will Be Kind to Me, for I Intend to Perform’ is one of these quotes.
(the protagonist takes on the hijab…)
I represent a movement called The Green Hijab Movement, that is why I am taking on a green textile over my head right now. Our movement find meaning in another of Churchills quotes: You probably know it: ‘Never let a good crisis go to waste’.
Green Hijab Movement use this Anthropocene momentum while breeding one wicked problem after the other. Because all of our 7 continents have something in common. We are the coexistence, breeding the same air and swim in the same ocean.
The consequences of our actions or lack of will affect us all at the end.
It´s surprisingly quiet.
Our climate situation has to be solved in the next election.
And you better use the chance you have been fighting for tomorrow, and vote for long-term sustainable politics. I am just saying, but it is more than just my opinion.
The urgency of the situation, the here and now, beholds an opportunity.
Green Hijab Movement apposes capitalistic structures that are linked to the entrenched powers of colonialism and institutionalized prejudices that separate people.
This colour and this textile behold a model for dismantling and replacing destructive patterns. Our intent is to use the climate crisis to overcome the patterns of entrenched powers of the past by asking one simple question:
Who is benefitting from dividing people into segregated groups?
And when you start to think about it, you realize quite quickly who you need to fight.
….It is not any minority group, that´s for sure.
I believe in ‘detournement’ as a method for resistance.
That is why I am wearing the green hijab.
Our Movement displace one of the strongest symbols of our time.
The hijab has two symbolic meanings: One, the original religious meaning – the hijab is a protection against various external forces; God, the sexualized gaze of men and the unholy proceedings of everyday life.
The second symbolic meaning is a denial of the first; here, in contemporary Europe the hijab is a negative political symbol, signifying oppression of women. This second symbolic meaning occurs as a hijack of the original symbol by the people belonging to right-wing politics on one side and contradictory you can find feminist.
These two symbolic values are opposed and much too often monumentally stable. They divide the public opinion into two unopposable agendas.
Either you are for one of these versions or you are for the other.
Indifference seems impossible.
If you don’t choose sides are you than supporting the fundamentalist Islamic version?
The Green Hijab Movement proposes a detournement of this deadlock.
By appropriating the hijab for a different purpose - by postulating a new, different symbolic meaning of this textile - we attempt to break the established opposition of symbolic values.
In our movement wearing the green hijab symbolizes global solidarity with the victims of climate change AND an engagement in the momentum to change our societies. Pollution knows no borders and the effects of this crises will hits hard, far away from where the climate crisis is produced. Climate change especially affects women of the global south, the same women that to a large degree are wearing the hijab.
Scandinavia has since the 60´s shown several examples of social integrity and gender equality. Which gives Scandinavia a possibility to brand geopolitical care with a clear sense of purpose and cleverness in all its complexity. Either we let us pulverize by the neoliberals, with a growing sensation of lack of trust and a lack of logic or we choose a different path. Let´s start to talk each other up. Be proud and preaching a standard. Either we let us be eaten up or we don’t.
In a couple of hours, we enter election day in Sweden, said to be the most complicated elections in Swedish history.
Be forceful!
Vote with a clear sense of purpose!
Vote for long-term sustainable politics!
Vote for geopolitical care!
Let´s dance and find the energy to pursue!
My name is Gitte Sætre.
I am a member of Green Hijab Movement
If you would like to be a part of this movement take on a hijab and dance
If you only want to be taking part in this ontological dance, please feel free to just DANCE
(The protagonist moves over to her DJ-table and play Dark Techno for about one hour)